Traders within the Sampa main market in the Jaman North District Capital (Sampa) of the Bono region have pleaded with the Jaman North District Assembly to, as a matter of necessity, solve the deteriorating state of the market centre to promote sound business.
Speaking in an interview with Gye Nyame FM and Ark News reporter, Kwaku Mensah Abrampa, the traders indicated that the market has since been in a very deteriorated state, making it difficult to operate without obstructions because whenever it rains before or in the course of the market sections, it becomes so frustrating for them to work, which is affecting their finances.
They revealed that the Jaman North District Assembly, after the weekly and daily collection of a series of taxes, has neglected their welfare, which has resulted in the current poor nature of the market, especially in the rainy season.
The trader thus called on the authorities to attend to their plea, failing which they would halt payment of taxes in the coming days.
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