Renowned journalist and host of the Kokrokoo morning show on Peace FM, Kwami Sefa Kayi, has slammed the “sensational” reportage by sections of the media on the passing of the MCE for Krachi East, Francis Kofi Okesu.
Mr. Sefa Kayi argued that the captions and contents of some newspapers and online portals following Hon. Okesu’s death smack of sensationalism and unprofessionalism, citing media houses including The Daily Guide and Graphic Online.
“Couldn’t we have said anything apart from the manner in which we reported his death? I believe the media could have done better, “he stated.
He has a family, he has children… I am disappointed in my people [the media],” he continued.
He further asked the media to stay clear of speculation and passing judgement and allow the police to carry out the necessary investigation as they have announced.
The MCE was reported dead in a hotel in Kumasi by the police on Monday. According to police reports, he checked into the hotel on September 2nd with his driver. However, on September 4th, his whereabouts could not be traced, forcing the police and hotel officials to break into his room only to find him lying dead on his bed.
Some media outlets and sections of the public had associated his death with a possible sexual escapade, which Mr. Sefa Kayi finds inappropriate.
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