The Overlord of the Dagbon Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Yaa-Naa Abukari, has joined the Lamashegu Keep Fit Club as they organized a health walk and aerobics at the Gbewaa Palace in Yendi, under the theme, “Unity Among The Youth Through Sports”.
The Lamashegu Fit Club, which is a Tamale-based club established in 2017, also presented a citation to the Overlord for his contribution to the growth of sports in Dagbon.
Mr. Sheini, the chairman of the club, said the club aims at providing good health through exercises and aerobics for the body to keep fit.
“It was necessary to extend their greetings to the overlord of Dagbon for him to know the existence of the club in Tamale and Lamashegu,” he stated.
He added that the main purpose of the visit was to engage their colleagues’ clubs in Yendi to walk for good health and have an aerobics dance.
On behalf of His Royal Majesty, Yaa-Naa Abukari, the Public Relations Officer of His Royal Majesty, Musah Yakubu, expressed his appreciation to the club for their gesture.
Mr. Yakubu further assured the club of his full support of the Kingdom in relation to any positive activity that will benefit the kingdom’s development and growth.
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