The nights drift into oblivion,
I care less about the beauty of the stars or the majesty of the moon; my heart is void of emotions.
The morning dew reminds me of God’s faithfulness, His mercies that are new every morning yet my mind is blank; my soul can’t comprehend the depth of God’s love enough to offer a sacrifice of praise.
The sunrise of the Morning tide
Beams on my face, reminding me that life still has a lot to offer.
But I’m too weak to give it a second thought.
My brains are shattered from too much pain.
I wish I would never wake up from my sleep; that i would be eternally lost in the snores of the gruesome night.
Life hasn’t done me well and whiles I’m yet at it, i don’t have any desire whatsoever to continue this journey.
The sun’s grey and mournful tunes chirped by the birds only add to my sorrow and agonising grief.
All is not well at my end; all is certainly not well.
Reynold Adjei
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