Tell me what I want to hear
Tell me the roars of the waves
And the strength in weakness
The faith you have in your fear
Which stops you from your strength
Tell me about the thorn stalk of the rose
Tell me all is not rosy
That there are flickers of flames on the path of the walkers
When the sun goes down
And the moon reflects
And the stars glitter
Then what new shall I know?
Tell me about uncertainties
About doubts, tell me about falls
Tell me the ones you don’t tell me
For every day is not rosy
Tell me about the stings of the bee too
Not just the honey it makes
Tell me again of the thorns of the rose
Not just its beauty
Tell me about Beauty
And then tell me about the beast
When all is summed up
Then I know you did tell me all
When the moon rises again tomorrow
Then I know its strength
When the sun comes up, then I know its beauty
When all is summed up,
Then I know you did tell me all
Then I will understand the gracefulness
Of every soul’s strength and the fear they fight
So just Tell Me
Credit: Belinda Fafa Doe
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