Poem: “I Surrender” by Prince Quality
I SURRENDER My brains are in tearsFor the muscles are in painWhile my head gets bulkierAs it's loaded with thoughts! The thoughts...
I SURRENDER My brains are in tearsFor the muscles are in painWhile my head gets bulkierAs it's loaded with thoughts! The thoughts...
VISION OF THE FUTUREShoulders up, head high, I move forward with prideLeaving the toxic past behind, I step into a...
WHEN THE CLOUDS COVER THE SKY When the clouds cover the sky,and the rain begins to pour from a height.The munition...
A PURPOSE Filled lifeA purposeDriven lifeWho would haveGuessed that I'dTurn a new leafThat I'd seekConsolationIn the bossomOf philosophyTo restore the bloomIn...
DON'T LAUGH AT ME Don't laugh at me for what you see todayBecause you don't know what tomorrow holds, okay?My struggles,...
A BLAZING HEAT My heart beats like a drum in my chest,Ablaze with emotions, it finds no rest.The heat of passion,...
I’M TRAPPED UNSURE WHAT TO DO? My happy place, where is it?In my heart or his?Are you the one who drives...
THE GLORIOUS HEART The glorious heart, a treasure rare,Hard to find, but precious beyond compare.When you do find it, cherish it...
THUS RUINS OF US We were oncelike a sandstorm.Inexperienced in many ways,but we still left the sky with dust of mutual...
ABSURDITY My views are absurdThey steam from sadThis boiling potBlacker that kettleTattletale the ship sunkI think I'm power drunkStaggering betweenSanity and...
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