The fields are empty of labourers.
The harvest was ripe; they were never
Harvested and now they’re being scorched by the sun.
The labourers are busily stuffing their social media spaces with the best versions of themselves. They’ve neglected their calling
And are embracing their carnal pursuits.
What happened to “to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace??”
How did they become so cold and nonchalant?
How did they end up in the squatters of indifference and lukewarmness??
The harvest is ripe but the labourers are nowhere to be found.
Somewhere in the thick of the buzz on
Social media, they can be found conforming to the worldly systems and behaving as if they never once confessed Christ as Lord.
It’s a tragedy what the labourers have become.
The Lord of the Harvest bemoans this fate.
Will He find a soul worthy when He appears??
The winds blow in dreariness, the skies are gray.
The clouds gather rain, soon there will be an avalanche washing down the harvest.
Then thick darkness will cover the earth.
The Son of man will appear like a thief in the night with the sword of judgment.
Who’ll be able to stand His wrath??
Who’ll dare come up with excuses to justify their worthlessness??
Time’s ticking and the sooner we heed to the call, the better for us.
Reynold Adjei
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