The sun beams in its splendour,
Saturating the atmosphere with joy and gladness.
There’s peace everywhere, calm and serenity
Basking in the hearts of men.
The screech of cars, the whistles of birds,
The barks of dogs, the whispers of parrots, the
Melodious tunes of larks exude such mirth and every creature living or non living seems to align with the tranquility of the universe.
In the homes of many, there are tables set and
Delicacies served.
Children can be heard screaming out of pure ecstasy
And pleasure.
Their innocent hearts goading their tiny legs in
Running around and chasing each other in childish glee.
All is well or so it seems.
In the heart of East Legon, there can be heard
Wailing and gnashing of teeth as mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers, siblings and loved ones mourn the death of their teenage beloveds who were crashed in a gory accident.
The pain is palpable, the agony unimaginable.
To lose in death is one thing but to not have the bodies
To give a befitting burial is more torturous than
Burning in hell.
The night vigil was graced with mourners from far
And near. The sorrow was contagious as one of the
Mothers kept muttering “it is well”.
What a fate! What a tragedy!! Lord have mercy!!!
My heart goes out to the families, my mind can’t
Fathom how they’ll cope in the coming days, months and years. Life can be so cold and heartless.
Life can be callous and treacherous.
The sun graces the earth with gaiety and mirth
But in the streets of East Legon, it’s a mockery to these families.
It’s as if it’s bruising their wounds by being sarcastic to their plight.
The rains would have been more welcome.
Holy Spirit comfort and guideI, heal and restore, for only You can.
It is well …it is well …it is well ….
Reynold Adjei