A rebel I was towards you,
Bound to my fallenness.
Walls I did build around me
To protect my insecurities
Which continually fed on my peace.
And like a fallen tree,
Down I laid, rotting and decaying.
I was dead to the things of You;
Continually assailing against You
With these fragile fists of mine.
My heart felt no beat,
And my spirit, no longer, could I even know.
Albeit You came after me
Through the thick darkness of the night.
You found me caught up in thorns,
Yet looked upon me with gladness
Loved I, the loveless,
That I might be made lovely
My heart, for once, pulsated that very night
And you gave me a new spirit,
Your very own Spirit,
To abide with me forever.
Oh, what better gift
Could I ever receive than your very self?
I, a ‘kainos’ creature now,
Behold all things are new.
And now, unto you who’ve shown me
Such great mercy and greater love
What can I offer back to you, my Redeemer?
How can I repay this debt?
What is my life even worth
What better endeavor
Than to pour out my remaining years
As a gratitude offering unto You?
To have Your mind,
What are Your thoughts?
To bring You an offering that is of worth;
What tickles You?
To love you back;
What do you love, O lover of my soul?
PS: Redamancy [n] [English]
The act of loving the one that loves you; a love returned in full
From the New Latin redamantia, From the Classical Latin redamo (“I requite love”, transitive verb); the act of loving in return.
1 John 14:19 (NKJV) We love him because he first loved us
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