We were once
like a sandstorm.
Inexperienced in many ways,
but we still left the sky with dust of mutual feelings.
We were once
like the ocean and its waves.
The flow of experience shift between calm and turbulent,
crashed and receded.
We were once a morning dewdrop.
Adoring ones beauty
Sparkling with a zing
Reflecting one’s tender soul
just like looking in the mirror
We were once a poem.
A music of the soul
Whispers of the heart.
The happiness said to be under the horizon.
We were once a song.
A harmonious blend of rhythm.
Like on a canvas we painted vivid pictures of our melody.
A song that faded in the echoes of emptiness, loneliness and hollow.
All that is left, the melody
A melody
Thus Ruins of us.
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