Poem: “Life” by Reynold Adjei
LIFEThe sun beams in its splendour,Saturating the atmosphere with joy and gladness.There's peace everywhere, calm and serenity Basking in the hearts...
LIFEThe sun beams in its splendour,Saturating the atmosphere with joy and gladness.There's peace everywhere, calm and serenity Basking in the hearts...
LET GOIs there someone you're holding in your heart?? Are you harbouring bitterness and refusing to let go?? Is it...
NHYIRA MARFO OKYEREYou radiated every cornerThough you were an introvert.Your smiles keep ripping me apart.Your voice has become a torment...
DEBRISWhat is left of us is the residue of what was the envy of the stars.We're now a pale shadow...
HARVESTThe fields are empty of labourers.The harvest was ripe; they were neverHarvested and now they're being scorched by the sun.The...
TWILIGHTIt's morning and the sunlightIs gracing us with its warmth.The skies are blue; the chirps of Birds can be heard...
CONTENTMENTThis world is full of varieties; treating us to pleasant and not so pleasant delicacies. There's an unending desire to...
YOUR STORY WILL CHANGEIt is not the same in the morning as it is in the evening. The sun that shines in...
FATEThe state of the taste that renders me vulnerable and weak, that taste that causes me to moan like a dog and...
IN THE MIRROR OF THEIR HEARTSWithin the depths of every child,A world of dreams and secrets mild.How well do you...
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