It entices you and beckons
You in the midnight hour.
It saturates your thoughts
And melts your sanity.
It seeks to render your spirit weak and rid you of every good and perfect gift that comes from the Father of lights.
This flesh has the sole aim of
Destroying you without mercy.
It will haunt you till you’re weary then strike with its deadly venom.
Many men of integrity have been dragged into the mud by the flesh.
Many gods have been rendered dogs and may never recover their lost glory.
Mortify the deeds of the flesh before it mortifies you. Crush its head before it lays its icy hands on you.
I know it’s not easy but you can and you must!
The sun beams in its heat,
The wind blows ever so softly,
Caressing the bones and marrow.
Soon night will fall and solitude will embrace the atmosphere.
Will you be found wanting in the flesh or you’ll be armed with the Sword of the Spirit?
Reynold Adjei
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