I have been thinking lately about how mothers carry a pregnancy for 7–10 months, embracing the challenges until the baby finally arrives. Right inside the womb, expectant moms share a deep connection that helps them communicate with their unborn babies. As a new phase commences, mothers tend day-old babies and watch them crawl, cry, fall, and blubber words. And the beauty lies in witnessing how a mother nurtures her baby until he grows into a well-meaning adult. In one breadth, motherhood is sweet and easy, and in another, it is enduring.
Meet Mary, a young teenager who, though unprepared, takes on the role of nurturing an infant baby. She recounts discovering, in an unusual way, the journey (pregnancy) that transformed her entirely. “Throughout the journey, I was contemplating whether I would become a lady again or be a mother forever, so I asked my mom for advice.” The story of Mary reveals yet another aspect of motherhood that is so stressful, thus combining teenagehood with motherhood.
Gen 3:16 states, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” KJV. The repercussions of Eve’s sin still persist; women, whether young or old, experience labour pains before and after. In effect, miscarriages sum up motherhood. Interesting, right? I bet any woman would love to experience it fairly. But somehow, mothers learn to embrace it as part of the journey. Miscarriages are the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. It can happen due to various reasons, such as genetic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, or health issues.
As a matter of fact, it’s a heartbreaking experience for expectant mothers, for they know the real pain it brings. Some end up feeling depressed, while others struggle with their mental health. It’s important to offer support and understanding to those who have experienced a miscarriage, as it can be a difficult and emotional time.
Mrs. Garimah, a middle-aged woman, shares the ordeal she endured during one of the most difficult moments of her life. According to her, each of her six miscarriages brought unbearable pain. She recalls instances where she bled for a month after miscarrying a baby.
There could be situations where young mothers aren’t ready physically, emotionally, or psychologically to take up motherhood. Mrs. Diana Guun, a young married mother, shares her story as a victim. She reveals that motherhood is both sweet and bitter when comparing and contrasting her first journey with subsequent ones. According to her, she became pregnant right after completing high school, and she was unprepared financially, emotionally, and psychologically to become a mother. Motherhood took a toll on her, and she had to learn to adjust to the transformation. She cried, had to avoid certain foods, take care of herself, and make time for the baby while also being a wife.
“Admittedly, there were times when I regretted being a mother, but the warmth of motherhood made it all worth it. It wasn’t as tiring since my mother assisted me when I needed help. The arrival of the baby meant putting everything else on hold to focus on the baby. Surprisingly, as a mother, you’re expected to adjust to this new role while still carrying out your normal activities like cooking, washing, and cleaning. However, being a first-time mother wasn’t easy, and dealing with certain food cravings and morning sickness made it even tougher, especially for mothers without any assistance,” she added.
During pregnancy, every soon-to-be mom goes through a phase of learning, unlearning, and relearning. This educational journey requires all moms-to-be to adjust to their new roles, take care of their newborns, breastfeed, bathe them, and carry them. And for married women, it’s important to learn how to balance these responsibilities with their wifely duties.
My mom’s perspective on motherhood took me aback and left me in awe. She recounted, ‘My days as a young mother weren’t easy. As an inexperienced young mother, I had to learn the hard way to handle a newborn baby. However, the journey became easier once I got a grip on taking care of a new baby, making the journey easier.
Mothers ought to be showered with much praise for their resilience and commitment to the call of motherhood.
Long live expectant moms, long live motherhood.