Poets are not beautiful
I know this
because everybody rushes to solve the pretty girl’s problems
Nobody gives an ear to theirs so they cry out in their poems
Every drop of ink is tear, longing for solace
Poets are not beautiful
I know this
because everybody wants to relate with the handsome guy
So they listen when he talks, no one gives the poet an eye
In-between the pages of his notepad, the poet cries
Poets are not beautiful
Because if we were beautiful we’d not be poets
We dipped our tongues in silver because our faces alone cannot attract a mate
If we did not need a mask we would not hide behind words
Poets are not beautiful
We are a tragedy
We wish to be Shakespeares but really we are Romeos and Juliets
Relegated to only appeal to intellectuals
Because our beauty lies in the third eye if our minds
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